Science drives us at Bare Element. When it came to choosing a skin care line, we researched for a line combining science and effect , PCA Skin has met above and beyond our expectations. PCA skin care was developed by an aesthetician and a dermatologist, the skin care formulas are developed by a PHD-chemist. The products combine the newest and most efficacious ingredients proven, tried and true ingredients to create unparalleled, visible results. 

Based on an individuals skin condition, our customized chemical peels will remove a layer of dead skin cells and reduce age/sun spots, fine lines/wrinkles, improve hyperpigmentation, clear clogged pores, and control acne. By exfoliating the superficial layer of dead skin cells,  peels allow healthy skin cells to rise to the surface improving  tone, clarity, elasticity, hydration, and product absorption. Bring your glowing skin to the surface with a customized chemical peel at Bare Element!

Chemical Peels Treat:

  • Acne

  • Rosacea

  • Melasma

  • Hyper-pigmenation

  • Dry dull skin

  • Fine/ Lines Wrinkles


Chemical Peel FAQ:

What is the process of a chemical peel?

  • A brief skin history will be obtained.

  • Your skin will be evaluated by our medical professional and your skin problems/goals will be discussed. Based on this evaluation, a specific chemical peel and corrective products will be chosen to meet your individual goals.

  • Your face will be cleansed and toned prior to the chemical application.

  • The chemical peel will be applied using a layering technique, you will be frequently asked about your sensitivity level through out this process.

  • Corrective products based on your skin evaluation/problems/goals will be applied.

  • Education will be provided on corrective products to maintain healthy, clear, toned, youthful skin.

Is it safe?

Peels are safe for all skin types. Our PCA Certified Professionals are trained to identify what treatment combination is safe for each person’s skin in order for patients to reap the greatest benefits.

Is there any down-time after my treatment?

Peels are easy to work into a busy lifestyle. There is no downtime with PCA SKIN chemical peels— you’ll leave your appointment with a healthy glow and able to carry on with your regular activities. There are steps to ensure that your results are maximized.

How often should I have a chemical peel done?

Depending on the strength of the peel and your skin condition depends on how often you should get them. Because every individuals skin care goals and conditions differ, the amount of peels recommended varies. On average to receive the most optimal results, 3 peels every 4-6 weeks is recommended.

I am nervous about receiving a peel. How do I know a chemical peel is right for me?

Our PCA SKIN Certified Professional has been trained in the safe and effective application of each of our professional treatment products. This education, in conjunction with their professional licensure, allows them to not only choose a treatment appropriate for your skin type but also customize the treatment to your personal skin care needs. 

How much discomfort should be expected during a peel?

The level of discomfort experienced depends on the treatment. Most PCA SKIN chemical peels are gentle and create minimal to no burning or stinging sensations on the skin. Dramatic wrinkling, sun damage, or acne scars may require a deeper peel, which may cause moderate stinging for a few minutes. Deep peels are not necessary for most skin types and conditions. PCA's superficial peels produce beautiful and immediate results with minimal discomfort for the majority of patients. 

What do you mean by "peeling?"

Peeling is exfoliation. When your skin peels or flakes after a treatment your skin is shedding dead or damaged surface cells and revealing new, healthy skin cells on the surface. This action is called cell turnover. Supporting the cell turnover process with chemical peels is what allows the skin to shed dead cells and bring new, fresh skin to the surface, free of signs of aging, sun damage, dirt and debris. The result is glowing skin.

Does everyone's skin peel after?

Not everyone experiences visible peeling,  that doesn’t mean your treatment was ineffective. Everyone experiences different levels of peeling, dependent upon skin type, resilience, type of peel and the number of layers applied. Some people experience ‘sheeting,’ when large portions of the skin peel off at once. Some experience ‘flaking,’ when small pieces of skin peel off, similar to dry, winter skin or mild peeling after a sunburn. Others experience exfoliation that is not visible. If you don’t peel, your skin is still exfoliating. In this case, the exfoliation is happening on a cellular level that can’t be seen by the naked eye. Typically, the deeper the peel you receive, the more extensive peeling you will experience.

Can people who are frequently in the sun receive peels?

Yes, but only if they use sunscreen protection every day. Sunbathing should be avoided due to increased risk of cancer and visible pre-mature again, but especially prior to treatment, directly following treatment and while the skin is peeling. If you are recieving peel treatments to reduce skin discoloration (hyper-pigmentation), it is imperative to use the appropriate skin brightening products, as well as a broad spectrum SPF daily, to reduce the chance of further hyper-pigmentation.

Will a chemical peel make my skin appear even thinner?

No. Having a PCA chemical peel will remove surface buildup, hydrate the skin and give it a plumper, "thicker" appearance. The use of topical vitamin C, retinoids, and peptide products in a treatment, as well as daily care regimen, will help build the collagen and elastin network in the skin,making it stronger and more durable. 


  • Do not go tanning in a tanning bed 2 weeks before your treatment.

  • Avoid extended sun exposure 10 days prior to your treatment. If you have a "fresh tan," or a sun burn, you will need to come back at another time to ensure a safe treatment.

  • Delay the use of Retin-A, Renova, Differing, Tazorac, Avage, Epiduo, Ziana, and high percentage alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) and beta hydroxy acid (BHA) products for approximately 5 days before treatment. Consult your physician before temporarily discontinuing the use of any prescription medications.


  • After receiving a PCA chemical peel, you should not necessarily expect to "peel." Not everyone, but some individuals will experience light peeling in a few localized areas for 3-5 days and residual redness for approximately 1-12 hours post treatment.

  • It is recommended that make-up is not applied post-treatment, as it is ideal to allow the skin to stabilize and rest over night; however, makeup may be applied 15 minutes after the treatment if necessary.

  • To minimize the potential for side effects, use only the post-procedure solution for 3-5 days or until flaking has resolved.

  • If the skin feels tight apply Rebalance, for normal to oily skin types, or Silkcoat Balm, for drier skin types, to moisturize as needed.

  • Do not apply any other over-the-counter products to the skin for 7 days post-treatment as they may cause irritation.

  • Stop the use of Retin-A, Differin, Renovate Tazorac, Avagem Epi-Duo or Ziana for 5 days post treatment. Consult your physician before temporarily discontinuing use of any prescription creams/medications.

  • Avoid direct sun exposure and excessive heat. Use a broad spectrum SPF sunscreen.

  • Do not go in a tanning bed for at least 2 weeks post-procedure.

  • Do not pick or pull on any loosening or peeling skin, this could potentially cause hyper/hypo pigmentation.

  • Do not have a laser treatment, facial waxing, or use depilatories for approximately 5 days.


Face Chemical Peel Per Treatment $179

(Our chemical peels all include a take home product kit including PCA facial wash, moisturizers, calming balm, and SPF retailing at $40)

Face and Neck Chemical Peel Per Treatment $209

Face Intense Chemical Peel Per Treatment $209

(Includes a final layer of 4% or 6% pure retinol topical Prescriptive, recommended for intense anti-aging and severe acne)

Face and Neck Intense Chemical Peel Per Treatment $239

Half Back Chemical Peel (Upper or lower) Per Treatment $199

Half Back Chemical Peel (Upper or lower) With 4% Retinol Per Treatment $239

Full Back Chemical Peel Per Treatment $279

Full Back Chemical Peel With 4% Retinol Per Treatment $319

Chest Chemical Peel Per Treatment $199

Chest Chemical Peel With 4% Retinol Per Treatment $239

Purchase 3 chemical peels at once and receive $25 off!

*PLEASE NOTE Chemical Peels require a $20 deposit upon booking. This deposit will be deducted from your total when your checked out for your treatment.



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